Weekend Workshop with Ty Landrum „Touch of Devotion“
This year we´ll finally make it happen and bring Ty Landrum to Graz!
He will teach Mysore Style classes & Workshops at wahrhaftYoga!
Ashtanga Workshop „TOUCH OF DEVOTION“ with Ty Landrum
Graz | July 22 – 24, 2022
Devotion is an unwavering movement of attention back into the essential ground of our being. And this is the movement that brings us back to ourselves, back to natural trust and understanding, back to an immediate sense of who we are. Though we often imagine devotion as moving outwardly toward the beloved, across the distance that separates us, the energy of devotion does not spring from the seeker, but from what she seeks. The energy of devotion is the primordial love that calls us back home. To listen to that call, and follow it where it leads—this is the only concern of a ripened yoga.
In this workshop, we contemplate the following question: How can our rituals of asana, pranayama and meditation help us touch the energy of devotion? How can they can they help us be receptive to that energy, and follow it back into the ground of our being? This workshop is designed to support yoga practitioners of diverse backgrounds and abilities, and anyone who is interested (and has some Ashtanga experience) is absolutely welcome to join.
(Please be ware that there might be minor changes in the schedule)
A Ritual of Devotion 5:00 PM – 7:30 PM @ CITY YOGA
Mysore 8:00 AM – ca 11:00 AM @ wahrhaftYoga
Lifting Support 12:30 PM – 2:30 PM @ CITY YOGA
Pranayama & Guided Meditation 2:45 PM – 3:45 PM @ wahrhaftYoga
Mysore 8:00 AM – ca 11:00 AM @ wahrhaftYoga
Backbending with Grace 12:30 PM – 2:30 PM @ CITY YOGA
Philosophy Talk: The sweetness within 3:00 PM – 4:00 PM @ wahrhaftYoga
A Ritual of Devotion (5-7:30 PM) WORKSHOP
The energy of devotion rides on the breath, and Ashtanga Vinyasa is a ritual of deep and rhythmic breathing, in which we can feel that energy cycling through the body and return it to the source within. In this foundational session, we explore the cycling of devotional energy through some fundamental postures and movement patterns from the Ashtanga Vinyasa system. More pointedly, we learn how to use the practice to balance prana and apana—the energies of expansion and contraction that animate all forms of life. This session involves philosophy, somatic exploration, and a light but potentially revelatory asana practice
MYSORE (8-11:30 AM – 2 slots)
This is a traditional Mysore-style Ashtanga Vinyasa class. We practice together, mostly in silence, following the natural cadence of our breath, and the brilliant sequencing of the Ashtanga system. This is an opportunity for individual attention and support. Beginners who know some basic Ashtanga sequencing (enough to practice alone!) are welcome. We´ll let you know in which slot 8am or 9.30am you´ll practice).
This session will explore the pattern of movement involved in grounding and then lifting support upward form the earth of the body toward the center of the heart. This pattern wants to appear all over the Ashtanga practice, and connecting to this pattern provides an astonishingly powerful ground of psychophysical support. In this session, we explore the lifting pattern in various standing postures, as well as forward folding, rounding, bending, and twisting, and we discover the role of this pattern in helping us stay connected to the energy of devotion. This session is open to all. It will involve an exploratory asana practice.
Pranayama is the practice of giving space to the breath. When the movements of the breath merge together, they reveal their perfect continuity. They suspend the mind in the liminal space between creativity and emptiness. This session involves a guided practice of pranayama and somatic visualization to awaken the breath, and taste the sweetness that lies beneath.
MYSORE (8-11:30 AM – 2 slots)
This is a traditional Mysore-style Ashtanga Vinyasa class. We practice together, mostly in silence, following the natural cadence of our breath, and the brilliant sequencing of the Ashtanga system. This is an opportunity for individual attention and support. Beginners who know some basic Ashtanga sequencing (enough to practice alone!) are welcome. We´ll let you know in which slot 8am or 9.30am you´ll practice).
The practice of backbending is about making ourselves vulnerable, and finding the internal support to handle that vulnerability with grace. When we backbend with internal support, we create opportunities for deep psychical release. In this session, we learn to work intelligently with the breath, the psoas and the diaphragm to create a long and supple spine that can reach gracefully into these difficult and exhilarating forms. This session is open to practitioners of all levels. It will involve an exploratory asana practice that presses gently into the second series, and traces a number of supportive sequences for working with difficult forms
As we follow the inner movements of the breath, our bodies spontaneously realign, and we begin to recognize within ourselves the movement of an intelligence that we have been seeking outwardly. We abandon the opaque dictates of tradition for something visceral, immediate, and more profound, which magnetizes our sense of wonder. The practice becomes more generous, more forgiving, and replete with new possibility. It loses its egocentric objective, and becomes an intimate hymn to something within ourselves that is impossible sweet. In this session, we think together about this crucial movement of yoga, and the necessity of following our own inner light.
WHO can join classes & workshops?
- Mysore Style classes: These classes are intended for people with an established Ashtanga practice (beginners are welcome but you should be able to practice alone!)
- Workshops: All levels of practitioners & also students from other Yoga Styles can participate!
Ty Landrum is an international exponent of Ashtanga Yoga.
He teaches in the exploratory and contemplative style of his mentors, Mary Taylor and Richard Freeman. With a PhD in Philosophy, Ty has a special touch for explaining the theory of yoga with color and creativity. His passion as a teacher is to share the brilliance of yoga with anyone who wants to learn.
More about Ty: www.tylandrum.com
Organisational DETAILS
VENUE: wahrhaftYoga @ Schmiedgasse 23a in 8010 Graz & City Yoga Graz @ am Eisernen Tor 3 in 8010 Graz
* take-it-all (full program: 2 Mysore classes + 5 WS): € 360,00
Only on availability :
* Evening & Afternoon Workshops (5 WS in total): € 300,00 [single workshop = € 75 / € 45 for Pranayama/Guided Meditation or Philosophy Talk]
* Drop-In Mysore Style : € 35,00 per class
(Registration for Mysore classes only / workshops only will start shortly before the event, as students doing the full program can register first)
Your spot is reserved after receiving your payment. You´ll get more info about how to wire the money after registration. – Dein Platz ist fixiert nach schriftlicher Anmeldung & der Zahlung der Workshopgebühr (genauere Infos folgen im Anmelde-Antwort-Mail). NICHT SELBSTSTÄNDIG AUF UNSER KONTO ÜBERWEISEN! Mit der Anmeldung akzeptierst du unsere AGB´s. By registration you´re accepting our AGB´s (Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen/business terms).
Your´re coming from abroad?
If you come from abroad: There is an airport in Graz, but it might be cheaper to fly to Vienna and take the bus or train to Graz. For bus connection check: flixbus.at & for train connection check: oebb.at Bus and train are very cheap (15 – 30 € one direction) & it´s a 2 hrs ride to Graz.